Sam Stoloff joined the Agency in 1997, after completing an MFA in poetry and a doctoral dissertation in American cultural history, both at Cornell University. He is interested in books that advance the public conversation on crucial issues and groundbreaking work of all kinds, including literary fiction, memoir, history, accessible sociology and philosophy, cultural studies, serious journalism on contemporary and international affairs, and narrative and topical nonfiction with a progressive orientation. Among his particular interests are literary graphic fiction and nonfiction, works on environmental sustainability, books on legal affairs and the justice system, works that dissect the right wing and American imperialism, the history of race in America, the history of science and technology, and books on food culture and history. His taste in fiction ranges from the psychologically realistic, to first-rate speculative literature.
His clients include Mandy Catron, Pratap Chatterjee, David Cole, Cliff Conner, Dessa, Ray Douglas, Virginia Eubanks, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Jared Fishman, Kathleen Flynn, Bruce Grierson, Michael Hudson, Barbara Kingsolver, Michelle Kuo, Daniel Medwed, Stephanie Mencimer, Jacob Mikanowski, Mary Miller, Rutu Modan, Alexandra Natapoff, Nick Neely, Carla Peterson, Siobhan Phillips, Gretchen Reynolds, Sydney Ladensohn Stern, Kira Thurman, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Mike Wallace, and Helene Wecker.
Sam is not accepting unsolicited queries at this time.